Thursday, March 8, 2007


Press release:
March 8, 2007

Press Statement
Vodacom industrial action and other related matters
the non resolved CCMA dispute mainly on the recognition of the union, CWU, and the organisational rights
the shifting of goal post by Vodacom management forced the union to seek for the intervention of the CCMA

the certificate of protected industrial action
this certificate confirms the non willingness of the Vodacom management to recognise workers union

massive recruitment (in line with the COSATU 2015 plan) and consultation with external stakeholders

the horrible conditions at Vodacom have failed to stop the unionisation of the workforce – workers have been joining in numbers
CWU will continue to recruit members in the mobile subsector in line with the COSATU 2015 plan

disciplinary hearings, dual deductions and cancellation of union membership
members of the interim committee that constituted the union delegation to the CCMA hearing have been summoned to disciplinary hearings
former MWASA members who have migrated to Communication Workers Union have been victimised through dual deductions, although the CWU forms states the intentions(s) and the wishes the of the employee
illegal termination of membership, particularly CWU membership, has been the order of the day

unlawful lock-outs
the unlawful ill-treatment of CWU members who were coming from the team building exercise and members of the interim committee by the intransigent and myopic management confirms the violation of civil liberties at Vodacom

management encouraged leave of absence
management is encouraging members of the interim committee to apply for leave of absence during the planned industrial action

48 hour notice – dated the 7th March
The union has formally notified Vodacom about the planned industrial action
Notification addressed to the Executive Human Resource (Lungi Ndlovu) and Industrial Relations Manager (Ursula Nunes)
The planned industrial action will unfold in the following manner

As from March 12, 2007 our members will embark in the following actions in support of the granting of organisational rights;

Phase 1 (one)
· March 12 and 13, 2007 – Picketing in the morning and during lunch hour
· March 14, 2007 – March on Vodacom Headquarters, pickets in other facilities
· March 15 to 20 – Work to rule.

Should there be no settlement of the dispute by the March 20th , 2007, workers will embark on phase 2 (two) of the national industrial action which will include go-slows, selective work, further picketing and downing of tools. The details of the phase 2 (two) will be communicated to all media houses in due course. Our organisation is also contemplating an application in terms of section 69 of the LRA, but we are optimistic that this action may not be necessary. The notice to embark on a national strike does not close the possibility for the parties to meet and resolve amicably before, during or after the planned industrial action.

Vodacom BEE
the Vodafone empowerment shares
the role of workers
and the role of unions at Vodacom
Vodacom management has made it a point that unions and workers are not given an opportunity to input on the planned BEE deals. We strongly believe that the formation (and the funding by the management) of the Consultative Committee is one of the anti union tactics applied by Vodacom management

ICT BEE Charter
BEE charter process and facilitation by NEDLAC
compliance by other sectors
ICT BEE charter and alignment with dti BEE codes
The legal framework stipulates that the BEE Charter process should be facilitated by NEDLAC. CWU finds it difficult to participate in any process outside NEDLAC. We therefore call upon NEDLAC to ensure that the alignment ICT BEE Charter with the dti codes is properly managed.

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